Window Cleaning in the rain. Yay or Nay?

Customers, passers-by and even window cleaners themselves will sometimes question whether cleaning windows whilst it’s raining is defeating the object. Surely they’ll be dirty again as soon as the cleaning has finished? Wrong.

(Here’s a fairly dull explanation so if you’re not interested in the why and just want a straight answer, we respect that. Just skip down the page. If you like the slow build of a story and some pretty useless facts…read on.)

It’s correct that, over time, rain will leave those dreaded water marks on glass and when the sun shines, these will show up like a wasp at a BBQ.

The main reason for this though is that your windows will collect all sorts of dirt and dust particles, most of which will go unnoticed during a period of dry weather. However, once the rain hits those windows and interacts with the dirt and dust, you’ll be left with those nasty marks which will only get worse over time.

Where you live can play a big part in how much dirt your windows collect and it can come down to what and where your windows are facing. Detached, semi detached and gable ends will often have one side that picks up more dirt than the rest.

In Lancashire and West Yorkshire we’re lucky to have plenty of rural space (think Ribble Valley, Fence etc) however things like pollen can cause the same issue in these areas. In the more built up areas of Burnley, Blackburn, Accrington etc you may be located close to working factories or busy roads that can have an effect on the quality of air. Again, this might lead to your windows picking up dust and dirt quicker than other areas.

Skip to here >>>> Rain that falls whilst your windows are being cleaned or whilst they are still clean won’t leave your windows looking dirty <<<<<<

In certain countries, window cleaners won’t work in the rain for the simple reason that they don’t like working in rain. If we didn’t work in the rain in the UK….well, we’d never work!